Cellulo Namespace Reference

Scope for core Cellulo objects. More...


class  AxialHexCoords
 Hexagonal tile definition, built in axial hex coordinates. More...
class  CelluloBluetooth
 Object that communicates with one Cellulo robot over Bluetooth. More...
class  CelluloBluetoothEMP
 Object that mass reset/shuts down all robots. More...
class  CelluloBluetoothEnums
 Wrapper containing all the enums of CelluloBluetooth. More...
class  CelluloBluetoothScanner
 Object that scans for Cellulo robots. More...
class  CelluloCommUtil
 Cellulo communication utilities. More...
class  CelluloLocalRelayClient
 Relays packets between a server and virtual robot objects over a Unix domain socket. Connects to a CelluloLocalRelayServer. More...
class  CelluloLocalRelayServer
 Relays packets between a client and physical robots over a Unix domain socket. Accepts connections from a CelluloLocalRelayClient. More...
class  CelluloMathUtil
 Mathematical utilities used throughout Celullo activities. More...
class  CelluloRelayClient
 Object that relays packets between a CelluloRelayServer and virtual robot objects. More...
class  CelluloRelayServer
 Object that relays packets between a CelluloRelayClient and physical robots. More...
class  CelluloRobot
 The main object that represents a Cellulo robot. Inherits from CelluloBluetooth and has all its functionalities (not listed here). More...
class  CelluloRobotHubClient
 Object that uses the robots connected to a cellulorobothubd. More...
class  CelluloRobotPoolClient
 Object that uses the robots connected to a cellulorobotpoold. More...
class  CelluloSVGUtil
 Utilities for converting SVG files into CelluloZone description files. More...
class  CelluloSystemUtil
 Object that provides system utilities. More...
class  CelluloTcpRelayClient
 Relays packets between a server and virtual robot objects over a TCP socket. Connects to a CelluloTcpRelayServer. More...
class  CelluloTcpRelayServer
 Relays packets between a client and physical robots over a TCP socket. Accepts connections from a CelluloTcpRelayClient. More...
class  CelluloUIUtil
 User interface utilities used throughout Celullo activities. More...
class  CelluloZone
 CelluloZone Base Class for zones. More...
class  CelluloZoneAngle
 Describes a single angle. More...
class  CelluloZoneAngleDifference
 Describes an angular zone sensitive to the client angle difference. More...
class  CelluloZoneAngleInterval
 CelluloZone Base for angular interval zones. More...
class  CelluloZoneAngleIntervalBorder
 Describes an angular zone sensitive to the client angle being on the border of the interval. More...
class  CelluloZoneAngleIntervalDistance
 Describes an angular zone sensitive to the client orientation distance to the interval. More...
class  CelluloZoneAngleIntervalInner
 Describes an angular zone sensitive to the client angle being in/out of the interval. More...
class  CelluloZoneCircle
 CelluloZone Base Class for circular zones. More...
class  CelluloZoneCircleBorder
 CelluloZone Specific Class for circular zones border determination. More...
class  CelluloZoneCircleDistance
 CelluloZone Specific Class for circular zones distance determination. More...
class  CelluloZoneCircleInner
 CelluloZone Specific Class for circular zones inner determination. More...
class  CelluloZoneClient
 Describes an object with a physical pose (e.g a robot) that may interact with Cellulo zones. More...
class  CelluloZoneEngine
 Object that ensures CelluloZone and CelluloZoneClient interaction. More...
class  CelluloZoneIrregularPolygon
 CelluloZone Base Class for irregular polygonal zones. More...
class  CelluloZoneIrregularPolygonBorder
 CelluloZone Specific Class for irregular polygonal zones border determination. More...
class  CelluloZoneIrregularPolygonDistance
 CelluloZone Specific Class for irregular polygonal zones distance determination. More...
class  CelluloZoneIrregularPolygonInner
 CelluloZone Specific Class for irregular polygonal zones inner determination. More...
class  CelluloZoneJsonHandler
 Utilities to load/save CelluloZones to to/from files in JSON format. More...
class  CelluloZoneLine
 CelluloZone Base Class for line zones. More...
class  CelluloZoneLineBorder
 CelluloZone Specific Class for determining whether a point is within a distance to an infinite line. More...
class  CelluloZoneLineDistanceSigned
 CelluloZone Specific Class for signed line distance determination. More...
class  CelluloZoneLineSegmentDistance
 CelluloZone Specific Class for line segment distance determination. More...
class  CelluloZonePaintedItem
 A QML compatible QQuickPaintedItem for CelluloZones. More...
class  CelluloZonePoint
 CelluloZone Base Class for point zones. More...
class  CelluloZonePointDistance
 CelluloZone Specific Class for point zones distance determination. More...
class  CelluloZonePolyBezier
 CelluloZone Base class for composite cubic Bézier curve. More...
class  CelluloZonePolyBezierBorder
 Calculates whether the client is on the border of a composite Bézier curve. More...
class  CelluloZonePolyBezierClosestT
 Calculates the parameter t of the closest point on a composite Bézier curve. More...
class  CelluloZonePolyBezierDistance
 Calculates the distance to a composite Bézier curve. More...
class  CelluloZonePolyBezierInner
 Calculates whether the client is within the composite Bézier curve. More...
class  CelluloZonePolyBezierXT
 Calculates the parameter t of the point on the composite Bézier curve with the same x coordinate as the client. More...
class  CelluloZonePolyBezierYT
 Calculates the parameter t of the point on the composite Bézier curve with the same y coordinate as the client. More...
class  CelluloZonePolygon
 CelluloZone Base Class for polygonal zones. More...
class  CelluloZoneRectangle
 CelluloZone Base Class for rectangular zones. More...
class  CelluloZoneRectangleBorder
 CelluloZone Specific Class for rectangular zones border determination; calculates whether the client's position is within borderThickness of the zone's border, value is 0.0 or 1.0. More...
class  CelluloZoneRectangleDistance
 CelluloZone Specific Class for rectangular zones distance determination; calculates the client's distance to the zone's border. More...
class  CelluloZoneRectangleInner
 CelluloZone Specific Class for rectangular zones inner determination; calculates whether the client's position is within the rectangle, value is 0.0 or 1.0. More...
class  CelluloZoneRegularPolygon
 Base class for regular polygon zones. More...
class  CelluloZoneRegularPolygonBorder
 CelluloZone Specific Class for regular polygonal zones border determination. More...
class  CelluloZoneRegularPolygonDistance
 CelluloZone Specific Class for regular polygonal zones distance determination. More...
class  CelluloZoneRegularPolygonInner
 CelluloZone Specific Class for regular polygonal zones inner determination. More...
class  CelluloZoneTypes
 CelluloZone type enum and utilities. More...
class  CoordSpaceConverter
 Class that converts given coordinates in an input space to given coordinates in an output space. More...
class  HexTile
 Hexagonal tile definition, built in axial coordinates. More...
class  HexTileMap
 Map built from hex tiles. More...
class  HexTileMapAutoBuilder
 HexTileMap autobuilder, keeps history of poses for one physical/virtual object (e.g robot) and adds unknown tiles to their correct places. More...
class  HexTileStdSourceCoords
 Hexagonal tile standard coordinates definition. More...
class  MacAddrSelector
 MAC address selection GUI. More...
class  OffsetRemapper
 Offsets the pose of the robot by a given amount. More...
class  PolyBezier
 A composite cubic Bézier curve, i.e sequential list cubic Bézier curves whose endpoints coincide. More...
class  PolyBezierTracker
 Makes a CelluloRobot track a PolyBezier curve. More...
class  PolyBezierTrackerAdaptiveVel
 Makes a CelluloRobot track a PolyBezier curve with adaptive velocity, i.e decreases velocity when turning sharp corners. More...
class  PolyBezierTrackerConstAccel
 Makes a CelluloRobot track a PolyBezier curve with constant velocity and finite constant acceleration. More...
class  PolyBezierTrackerConstVel
 Makes a CelluloRobot track a PolyBezier curve with constant velocity. More...
class  PolyBezierTrackerProfiledVel
 Makes a CelluloRobot track a PolyBezier curve with the desired velocity profile. More...
class  PoseRemapper
 Abstract object that should remap given poses to another poses based on some rule to be determined by the extending classes. More...
class  ProgressCircle
 A circular progress indicator. More...
class  Toast
 An Android-like timed message text in a box that selfdestroys when finished if desired. More...
class  ToastManager
 Creates on-screen banner texts, like Android's Toasts. Ensures that multiple toasts show correctly together. More...
class  TranslationTool
 Object that provides a language translation for the entire app. More...

Detailed Description

Scope for core Cellulo objects.